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General Rankings of Training Games

This is a training challenge with questions of general culture. The questions are not many, these challenges we have created to let you know the Dr.Why Quiz. Whenever you can help grow our archive on topics that you like, by asking us questions, a well-trained staff will check and insert it into our archives, you will be rewarded with Neurini Silver, always useful for many online challenges Have fun!
Pos. Nickname Miglior Punteggio
66 'Nodd5682 2435
48 Afonsinho 5931
74 Alentejoslei -1023
11 Arples 8108
3 Ballauf 8828
72 Bruno6890 738
2 Chere 9333
76 Ciro -4025
57 Cute 5393
37 Cyrano622 6908
35 DIVINA 6972
13 Frankie75 8061
20 Friselda 7649
61 Georg17689 3978
53 Halbor 5715
63 Ilari15353 3291
64 Isabe5908 2637
31 JOlita 7262
73 Joaqu18579 -373
32 Justin82 7241
46 Justine 6674
50 KaKiSSo 5889
33 KaPPaOuT 7205
15 Kaled 7825
55 Keyleth 5553
67 Kikach 2239
5 LIAN 8737
58 Laura3732 4564
42 Logen 6770
59 Luis8881 4319
4 Luxinfery 8766
12 MALEFX 8099
7 MadDog 8571
49 Maghetto 5929
75 Miche14109 -1441
34 Miele 7118
60 Milhouse 4098
27 MuSa 7435
10 NeNe 8110
65 Nicol11795 2598
71 Ovidi9162 1155
45 PeterPunk 6701
19 PooH86-adp 7661
29 Premier 7386
39 Rajsha 6889
40 Ramy 6831
51 Ricardo1991 5888
25 Roxanne 7555
Dettagli Torneo
Premi Torneo: Nessun premio a fine torneo
Periodo: 07/09/2017 ‣ 31/12/2019
Aggiornamento classifica: 15 minuti
Penalty: No
Rimozione giocatore: No
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