Registration date:
13 | 07 | 2018
Level 2 - Nursery School
Total Game Time: 8 days 54 min
Training Social Prizes Sponsor
N° Games 1396 0 0 0
Lv. 2 17322 / 750 exp Lv. 3
6 exp
174 exp
17142 exp
Lv. 1
Lv. 2
Nursery School
Lv. 3
Primary School
Lv. 4
Secondary School
Lv. 5
Lv. 2 Nursery School
In primary you have your first notebook, you write the first words and your books do not have only images
Achievements needed to overcome level
Prize games played 0 / 5 look at
Correct answers 14319 / 600
User questions control 58 / 3 look at
Voting of questions 11 / 20
No statistics available on games played
No statistic available for correct answers
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