Registration date:
25 | 06 | 2016
25 | 06 | 2016
Level 1 - Newbie
“ | Odio Dominik Lombardi e Angelo Gianfreda e Davide Ciani li odio tutti. Soprattutto Lombardi |
Total Game Time:
11 min
Training | Social | Prizes | Sponsor | ||
N° Games | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Lv. 1 | 43 / 250 exp | Lv. 2 |
0 exp
0 exp
43 exp
Lv. 1
Newbie |
Lv. 2
Nursery School |
Lv. 3
Primary School |
Lv. 4
Secondary School |
Lv. 5
Doctor |
Lv. 1 Newbie
You have entered crawling in kindergarten, you barely speak, but you do not know how to write
You have entered crawling in kindergarten, you barely speak, but you do not know how to write
Achievements needed to overcome level
Training games / social games 0 / 15 |
Correct answers 22 / 200 |
Email validation 1 / 1 |